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API Client Basics

Our API Client allows you to send out API requests, similar to Postman. It's a powerful tool designed to help you test your created endpoints effortlessly.


Main Features

  1. Send API Requests: Test your endpoints by sending various types of requests (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE).

  2. Save Requests: Easily build and save API requests for reuse later. This helps in maintaining consistency and efficiency during development and testing.

  3. Endpoint Selection: Click on the path dropdown to select from your existing endpoints. No need to manually type them out every time!

  4. Path Variables: For endpoints with path variables (denoted by {}), a key-value input will automatically appear. This allows you to replace the variables with actual values, building the final path when the requests are sent.

  5. Headers and Body: Customize your requests by adding your own headers. For POST, PUT, and PATCH requests, you can also include a body.

  6. View Responses: After sending a request, you can view the response status, response body, and headers of the response. This provides comprehensive feedback on how your endpoints are performing.

Using the API Client

  1. Selecting an Endpoint:

    • Open the path dropdown and click on one of your existing endpoints.

    • If the endpoint includes path variables (e.g., /users/{id}), input fields will appear where you can specify the values for these variables.

  1. Adding Headers:

    • You can add custom headers by typing the key and value into the header section of the request builder.
  2. Building the Request Body:

    • For POST, PUT, and PATCH requests, you can construct a request body with the appropriate format (e.g., JSON).
  1. Sending the Request:

    • Once your request is built, click the 'Send' button. The API Client will process the request and display the response details.
  2. Viewing the Response:

    • After sending a request, the response section will populate with:

      • Response Status: Displays the status code of the request (e.g., 200 OK, 404 Not Found).

      • Response Body: Shows the content returned by the API.

      • Response Headers: Lists the headers returned in the response.

Twidget's API Client is designed to make API testing straightforward and efficient. Explore its functionalities to enhance your development and debugging workflows.

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