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1. Getting Started

  1. Let's start by initiating a brand-new Workspace. This Workspace will serve as the central hub where you'll manage all the resources for your API. Think of it as a dedicated playground where you'll create and assemble the essential building blocks that drive your API's development forward.
  2. Start by creating a new Model, specifying your desired fields, and give it a name of your choice.
  3. Create a Data Store for that model by clicking on "Create Data Store". This step is necessary as it will enable us to store new object data in the data store.
  4. Proceed to create a new Class. Within this class, create a function with the return type set to the Model you previously created. Add a parameter to the function with the same type as your Model.
  5. Include a "Data Store Action" statement in the function, setting the action as "Save". Then, click the "Search Variables" input and choose the model parameter as the variable.
  6. Add a "Return Variable" statement and use the parameter search to select the model parameter.
  7. Next, create a new Endpoint with the request method set as POST and a body matching the Model you previously created.
  8. In the function dropdown, choose the function you created in your class.
  9. Select the body as the function parameter.
  10. Navigate to the build tab by clicking "Build" in the top bar.
  11. Click "Start Build" and wait for the build process to successfully complete.

Next Steps: Creating an Authentication User

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