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Built In Endpoints

By default, each API is equipped with pre-built endpoints, providing essential functionalities like health checks and API authentication and security right from the start.

All the information regarding these built-in endpoints can be easily accessed through the API preview, offering a comprehensive view of their details and capabilities.

List of Endpoints:

  • GET /health: Provides the current time in milliseconds as a result.
  • GET /auth/user: Retrieves the user who is currently authenticated using the provided authentication token.
  • POST /auth/signup: Registers a new user with the provided identifier and password.
  • POST /auth/login: Obtains a token by authenticating the user with the provided basic authentication username and password.
  • POST /auth/logout: Revokes the token of the authenticated user, rendering it invalid.
  • POST /auth/forgot-password: Sends a password reset email to the specified user.
  • PUT /auth/update-password: Updates the password of a user.

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