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API Client

Our internal tool for interfacing with APIs enables straightforward testing of API endpoints. You can effortlessly specify the desired request method, path, and any associated query parameters for each individual request.

Initiate the API Client by selecting the API Client button within the navigation sidebar.

Additionally, we have streamlined the process of request authentication by providing support for Basic Auth, Bearer Tokens, and custom Authorization schemes. Custom headers can also be seamlessly integrated into your requests.

When it comes to sending data along with your request, you simply need to select from the available options of POST, PUT, or PATCH request methods, and then specify the data type. This action will enable you to include data or upload files as needed. The respective data type selection will automatically fill in the appropriate Content-Type header for your request.

The available data types are as follows:

  • JSON: application/json
  • HTML: text/html
  • XML: application/xml
  • Form: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • File
  • Raw Data

To further enhance your experience, the capability to save and edit existing requests is provided. This functionality alleviates the need to repeatedly recreate requests, simplifying the process of API testing.

Moreover, interacting with your Twidget API has been made more convenient. Within the Path input, you will find a button labeled "Use API Url". Clicking on this button will instantly populate your Twidget API URL into the path input field, facilitating ease of use.

If a top-level domain is not specified in the URL and only a path is provided, the client will automatically utilize your API's URL as the default.

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